Southern Lowlands or France; Late 13th/early 14th century (Collection of Peter Pellettieri: Burlington, Connecticut)
God the Father from a Coronation of the Virgin (?)
England; Early 15th century (Collection of Peter Pellettieri: Burlington, Connecticut)
Composite Heraldic Quatrefoil with Feast and Battle Scenes
Germany; c. 1550 (Collection of Peter Pellettieri: Burlington, Connecticut)
Fragment in the Collection of Peter Pellettieri
A panel (93 x 41.5 [36 5/8 x 16 3/8]) with the Temptation of Christ contains some fragments of 13th-century date (e.g., the left hand and blue glass above it). The provenance is the same as for SG 1. Not illustrated.; (Collection of Peter Pellettieri: Burlington, Connecticut)