Switzerland, Schaffhausen; 1570 (The Walters Art Gallery: Baltimore, Maryland)
Heraldic Panel with Arms of Jakob Thalfinger
Switzerland; 1561 (The Walters Art Gallery: Baltimore, Maryland)
Heraldic Panel: Arms of Gerold I Zurlauben, Abbot of Rheinau, and Symbols of Four Evangelists
Switzerland, Zurich (?); 1600 (The Walters Art Gallery: Baltimore, Maryland)
Marriage Panel with Boating Scene
Switzerland, Canton Glarus; 17th century (The Walters Art Gallery: Baltimore, Maryland)
The Judgement of Solomon and Two Shields
Switzerland; 1602 (The Walters Art Gallery: Baltimore, Maryland)
Virgin and Child with Arms of Hans Lochman
Switzerland, Zurich; 1609 (The Walters Art Gallery: Baltimore, Maryland)