Virginia Chieffo Raguin, Ph.D. Yale University, is Distinguished Professor of Humanities at the College of the Holy Cross, Emeritus. She has authored Stained Glass from its Origins to the Present with Abrams (USA) and Thames and Hudson (GB) in 2003. She wrote two Corpus Vitrearum catalogues: with Helen Zakin, Stained Glass before 1700 in the Midwest United States (Harvey Miller Press, London, 2002) and, as a single author, Stained Glass before 1700 in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the J. Paul Getty Museum (Brepols, 2003). She edited Art, Piety, and Destruction in the Christian West, 1500-1700 (Ashgate, 2010) and organized an exhibition with catalog, Pilgrimage and Faith: Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam (Serindia Press, 2010). Her concise Stained Glass: Radiant Art (2013) explains medieval and Renaissance stained glass through the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.
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