Germany, Boppard-am-Rhein, Carmelite church, north nave, Piermont window
Pot metal; white glass with silver stain
286 x 75 (112 5/8 x 29 1/2)
Both sleeves, portions of lower tunic, background, wings, and hair are restored
Provenance: Count Hermann Pückler, Muskau; Count Pückler-Branitz, Muskau; Freldrich Spitzer, Paris, to 1893; C. Leyard Blair Collection; A. Seligmann, Rey & Co., New York, to 24 October 1933; P.W. French & Co., New York, to 1934
Bibliography: French & Co. Stock Sheets, GCPA 0305035; Catalogue des objets d’art et de haute curiosité composant l’importante et précieuse collection Spitzer [sale cat., 33 rue de Villejust, 17 April- 16 June] (Paris, 1893), supplement “Vitraux,” No. 3367; Hans Wentzel, “Unbekannte mittelalterliche Glasmälereien der. Burrell Collection zu Glasgow (3 Teil),” Pantheon 19/5 (September-October 1961), 240-248; William Wells, Stained and Painted Glass, Burrell Collections: Figure and Ornamental Subjects (Glasgow, 1965), 66-67; Wells, “Stained Glass from Boppard-on-Rhein in the Burrell Collection,” Scottish Art Review 10 (1966), 22-25; “Stained Glass, Tapestries, Metalwork, Ceramics, Furniture and Textiles,” M.H. De Young Museum Handbook (San Francisco, n.d.), 215; Jane Hayward, “Stained Glass Windows from the Carmelite Church at Boppard-am-Rhein, A Reconstruction of the Glazing Program of the North Nave,” Metropolitan Museum Journal 2 (1969), 851 figs. 11, 22.
Collection: The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (San Francisco, California)
Object/Accession: 54575