France, Soissons, Cathedral of St. Gervais and St. Protais, figures from choir clerestory; borders may have come from Braine
c. 1210-1225 (figures); c. 1205-1230 (borders)
Pot metal glass
c. 360 x 82.5 (154 5/8 x 60); each of five panels: 70.5-73 x 82.5 (27 7/8-28 7/8 x 32 1/2) borders: 35.7 (14) w.
A. Borders and lower two panels of figure heavily restored. B. Lower two panels of figure modern, face in part restored, in part retouched
Provenance: Raoul Heilbronner, Paris, 1910
Bibliography: Guilhermy MS, f. 257v; Walters Art Gallery, Handbook of the Collection (Baltimore, 1936), 9, 72 (ill.); Lazare Bertrand, “Note sur un vitrail de la Cathédrale de Sens conserve au mus_e de Baltimore,” Bulletin de la Société archeologique de Sens, 43 (1939-1943), 535-538; Jean Nicolle, “Problemes poses par les vitraux du choeur de la cathédrale de Sens,” Société archeologique de Sens, seance du 6 Oct. 1958 (typescript in museum file).
Collection: The Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Maryland)
Object/Accession: A. 46.40; B. 46.41
A. Habacuc; B. ?Senizin?
Inscriptions: A. in arch of canopy: ABACUC: PROPHETA; behind neck: EP. scu (mixed) on scroll: EVAN SECUND MATHEUM; B. SENIZIEN
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