Switzerland, Toggenburg
Pot metal; white glass with silver stain and enamels; flashed and abraded red and blue
32.4 x 20.3 (12 3/4 x 8)
The inscription S·BARBAR is probably a later addition
Provenance: Dr. F.W. Lewis; Mary Lewis; Pennsylvania Museum of Art, ‘07.58; with Bertram Rowland, New Hope, Pa., 1974
Bibliography: Charles E. Dana, “Stained Glass,” The Pennsylvania Museum Bulletin 5 (1907), 43 ill.; A.E. B[ ye], “Swiss Glass,” The Pennsylvania Museum Bulletin 19 (1923-1924), 95; Bye (1925), 80-82 no. 55, pl. XX; Paul Boesch, Die Toggenburger Scheiben: Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte des Toggenburgs im 16. bis l8. Jahrhundert (St. Gall, 1935), 19, no. 21.
Collection: Private Collection (Virginia)
Object/Accession: No accession number listed
Arms: Argent a tree uprooted or leaved azure (Farer)
Inscriptions: Under saints left: Ces: Heinric’ / S·Gallus/ S·Othmar’ / Andreas; Under saints right: ·S·Katha[…]/·s· BARBAR/·S·Maria m; on scroll: innocua qui morte tua dulcissie/ Ihesu· / Criste redemisti me miserere/ mei·; on cartouche: Frt Heinrich Farer Con- /ventual dess Wÿrdingen/ Gotzhus Sant Gallen der/ zith Statthalter zu Roscha/ch/·1579· /NW
Monogram of Nicholas Wirt, active c. 1565, d. 1584
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