Germany, Nuremberg
c. 1480-1490
Pot metal, white glass, and silver stain
Diameter: 32.4 (12 3/4) (each)
Some replacements in background of roundels
Provenance: Richard Zachille collection, Grossenhain (Hesse); Otto van Falke, Berlin
Bibliography: Hermann Schmitz, Die Glasgemiilde des koniglichen Kunstgewerbemuseums in Berlin, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1913), 1:102-119, 150-152, figs. 171 and 245a; James J. Rorimer, The Cloisters: The Building and the Collection of Medieval Art in Fort Tryon Park, lst ed. (New York, 1938), 97; Hans Wentzel, Meisterwerk e der Glasmälerei (Berlin, 1954), 72; Wentzel, “Schwabische Glasmälereien aus dem Umkreis des ‘Hausbuchmeisters,?? Pantheon 24, no. 6 (November-December 1966), 360; Rudiger Becksmann, “Das ‘Hausbuchmeisterproblem’ in der mittelrheinischen Glasmälerei,11 Pantheon 261 no. 6 (November-December 1968), 359; MMAB (1971-1972), 142; Elizabeth von Witzleben, Bemalte Glasscbeiben: Volkstiimliches Leben auf Kabinett-und Bierscheiben (Munich, 1977), 49-50, 138-139, pls. 169 and 172; Timothy Husband, “The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet, the Hausbuchmeister, and a Stained Glass Panel at The Cloisters,” in Studies on Medieval Stained Glass, fig. 20.
Collection: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters (New York, New York)
Object/Accession: 11.120.1 and 2 (Cloisters Collection)
A. Arms surrounded by tournament scenes (11.120.1); B. Arms surrounded by genre scenes (11.120.2)
Both shields: Or a double-headed eagle displayed sable inescu tcheon gules a fess argent (for Austria)
Inscriptions: A. VOLCN on reins; WILNEVO (reversed) on horse’s neckplate; w on shield; Attributed to a follower of the Hausbuchmeister
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