Germany, Boppard on Rhine, Carmelite church, north nave
Pot metal, white glass, silver stain, and olive-green enamel
A: 108.0 x 74.3 (42 1/2 x 29 1/4); B: 110.0 x 74.4 (43 1/4 x 29 1/4); C: 109.8 x 75.0 (43 1/8 x 29 1/2); D: 110.2 x 74.3 (43 3/8 x 29 1/4)
Panels considerably restored; lower part of D largely modern
Provenance: Count Hermann Pückler, Muskau; Friedrich Spitzer, Paris; Duveen Frères, Paris; Grosvenor Thomas, London
Bibliography: Catalogue des objets d ‘art et de haute curiosité composant l’importante et précieuse collection Spitzer [sale cat., 33 rue de Villejust, 17 April-16 June] (Paris, 1893), supplement, 11Vitraux 111 lot nos. 3358 and 3360; Maurice Drake, The Grosvenor Thomas Collection of Ancient Stained Glass, pt. l [exh. cat., Charles Gallery] (New York, 1913), nos. 224-227; Hans Wentzel, ?Unbekannte mittelalterliche Glasmälereien der Burrell Collection zu Glasgow (3. Teil), 11 Pantheon 19, no. 5 (September-October 1961), 240-248; William Wells, Stained and Painted Glass, Burrell Collection: Figure and Ornamental Subjects (Glasgow, 1965), 66-67; Wells, “Stained Glass from Boppard-on-Rhein in the Burrell Collection, 11 Scottish Art Review 10 (1966), 22-25; Wentzel, 11Eine Glasmälerei-Scheibe aus Boppard in Glasgow, 11 Pantheon 271 no. 3 (May-June 1969), 177-181; Jane Hayward, “Stained Glass Windows from the Carmelite Church at Boppard-am-Rhein, A Reconstruction of the Glazing Program of the North Nave,? Metropolitan Museum Journal 2 (1969), 75-114, figs. 5-8; MMAB (1971-1972), 40.
Collection: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters (New York, New York)
Object/Accession: 13.64.1-4 (Medieval Department)
A. The Visitation (13.64.3); B. The Nativity (13.64-4); C. The Deposition (13.64.1); D. The Entombment (13.64.2)
Inscription: C. INRI
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