Germany, Boppard on Rhine, Carmelite church, north nave
Pot metal, white glass and silver stain
210.4 x 72.7 (82 1/4 x 28 5/8) (each lancet)
Major replacements include: C torso and part of canopy, D head and right arm of saint, part of canopy, and angel supporters, E torso of Christ, F lower part of saint
Provenance: Count Hermann Piickler, Muskau; Friedrich Spitzer, Paris; Seligmann & Co., New York
Bibliography: La collection Spitzer: antiquite, M ayen-Age, Renaissance, 6 vols. (Paris, 1890-1892), 3: “Les vitraux” (1891), 122-125, pls. 7-9; Catalogue des ob;ets d’art et de haute curiosité composant l’importante et précieuse collection Spitzer [sale cat., 33 rue de Villejust, 17 April-16 June) (Paris, 1893), vol. 2, notice by Emile Molinier, “Les vitraux, 11 65-67, lot nos. 1953 1955 and 1959-1961; Heinrich Oidtmann, Die rheinischen Glasmälereien vom 12. bis zum 16. fahrhundrert, 2 vols. (Diisseldorf, 1912 and 1929), 1:228-233, 2:274-276, pls. 419-420; Hermann Schmitz, Die Glasgemdlde des k oniglichen Kunstgewerbemuseums in Berlin, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1913), 1:41-45, ill. 69; James J. Rorimer, “New Acquisitions for The Cloisters,” The Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art o.s. 33, no. 5, sec. 2 (May 1938), 12-14; Rorimer (1963), 156-158, ill. 79; William Wells, “Some Notes on the Stained Glass in the Burrell Collection in the Glasgow Art Gallery,” Journal of the British Society of Master Glass-Painters 12 (195 9), 277-279; Hans Wentzel, “Unbekannte mittelalterliche Glasmälereien der Burrell Collection zu Glasgow (3. Teil),” Pantheon 19, no. 5 (September-October 1961), 240- 248; Hermann Schnitzler, ed., Das Schniitgen-M useum, eine Auswahl, 2nd ed. rev. (Cologne, 1961), 58; Wells, “Stained Glass from Boppard-on-Rhine in the Burrell Collection,” Scottish Art Review 10 (1966), 22-25; Wentzel, “Eine Glasmälerei-Scheibe aus Boppard in Glasgow,” Pantheon 27, no. 3 (May – June 1969), 177-181; Jane Hayward, “Stained-Glass Windows from the Carmelite Church at Boppard-am-Rhein, A Reconstruction of the Glazing Program of the North Nave,” Metropolitan Museum Journal 2 (1969), 75-114, figs. l-2; MMAB (1971- 1972), 40; Rorimer, Medieval Monuments at The Cloisters as They Were and as They Are, rev. ed., Katherine Serrell Rorimer, ed. (New York, 1972), 73-75; Susanne Beeh? Lustenberger, Glasmälerei um 800- 1900 in hessischen Landesmuseum in Darmstadt, text vol. ed. Gerhard Bott (Hanau, 1973), 154-157; Herbert Rode, Die mittelalterlichen Glasmälereien des Kölner Domes [Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi: Germany IV, pt. l] (Berlin, 1974), I73; Young (1979), l10-111, ill.; Jean Rollet, Les maitres de la lumiere (Paris, 1980), 167, ill. 166; Brigitte Lymant, Die Glasmälereien des Schniitgen-Museums: Bestand sk atalog (Cologne, l 982), 105-108, ill. 66a.
Collection: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters (New York, New York)
Object/Accession: 37.5 2.1-6 (Cloisters Collection)
A. St. Servatius of Tongres and St. Michael weighing souls (37.5 2.l); B. Virgin Mary in the Ahrenkleid and arms of bishop of Liege (37.52.2) Arms: Argent a key gules charged with a crosslet argent (Bishop Liege); C. St. Lambert of Liege (?) and St. James and St. Hubert (?) with hausmarks (37.52.3) Arms: Argent a hausmark sable; per pale sable a pair of shears argent, argent a hausmark sable; D. St. Catherine of Alexandria and arms of coopers guild (37.52-4) Arms: Gules in chief a pair of calipers or, in base two mallets per saltire argent (coopers guild); pendant a barrel or; supporters two angels argent all proper; E. St. Dorothy of Caesarea and the Gnadenstuhl Trinity (37. 52.5); F. St. Barbara and arms of Maastricht (37.5 2.6) Arms: Gules a mullet argent (city of Maastricht); supporters two angels argent all proper
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