France, Normandy(?)
c. 1325-1350
Materials not noted
A: 177.8 x 48.2 (70 x 19); B: 180.4 x 48.2 (71 x 19)
Considerable restoration throughout
Provenance: Michel Acézat, Paris
Bibliography: James J. Rorimer, “Two Stained Glass Panels of the XIV Century,” Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art o.s. 231 no. 11 (November 1928), 271-274; Rorimer (1963), 94-95; MMAB (1971- 1972), 9; Young (1979), 79-80; Sturm (1982), 4-7, ill. 3.
Collection: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters (New York, New York)
Object/Accession: 28.107.1 and 2 (Cloisters Collection)
A. The Prophet Isaiah (28.107.1); B. St. Mary Magdalene (28.107.2). Note: Surrounding panels of grisaille glass are from northern France, c. 1260-1270, 61.0 x 48.2 (24 x 19) (each). They were added in a previous restoration of the windows.
Inscriptions: A. YSA IAS / ECCE VIRGO; B. M MARTE
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