France, Sees, Cathedral of Saint-Gervais and Saint-Protais, choir chapel
White glass with pot metal
59.0 x 57.0 (23 1/4 x 22 1/2)
Some restorations, especially in the upper left corner
Provenance: Michel Acézat, Paris
Bibliography: Acézatsale, Hotel Drouot, lot 25; Gray is the Color: An Exhibiti on of Grisaille Painting: XIIIth-XXth Centuries [exh. cat., Institute for the Arts, Rice University] (Houston, 1974), no. 2; Hayward and Cahn (1982), 225; Meredith P. Lillich, “Stained Glass from Western France (1250-1325) in American Collections,” Journal of Glass Studies 25 (1983), 126; Helen J. Zakin, “Grisailles in the Pitcairn Collection,? Studies on Medieval Stained Glass, fig. 4.
Collection: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters (New York, New York)
Object/Accession: 69.236.10 (Cloisters Collection)
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