France, Paris, St.-Germain-des-Pres (?)
Pot metal
159.0 x 110.0 (62 1/2 x 43 1/4)
The idols are old glass although the background is modern. The Last Supper is composed entirely of fragments whose original iconography is uncertain; the heads of Judas and some of the other apostles, the f eet of the apostles in the right panel, one small fragment of drapery, and a few border palmettes and mosaic quarries are thirteenth century. The window is largely composed of reused, pitted pot metal.
Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Payne Whitney
Bibliography: David L. Shirey, “Treasures in Stained Glass,” New York Times (18 February 1973), Long Island section, 14, 185.
Collection: Christ Episcopal Church (Manhasset, New York)
Object/Accession: No accession number listed
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