France, Clermont-Ferrand, Cathedral of Notre-Dame (?)
12th century, late
Pot metal glass
56.5 x 18.5 (22 1/4 x 7 1/4)
Some restoration; portions of the leading may be medieval
Provenance: Michel Acezat Paris; Raymond Pitcairn, Bryn Athyn
Bibliography: Unpublished. Related material: A panel of essentially the same design published in Catherine Brisac, “The Romanesque Panels in the Cathedral of Clermont-Ferrand,” in Studies on Medieval Stained Glass: Selected Papers from the XIth International Colloquium of the Corpus Vitrearum [Corpus Vitrearum: United States, Occasional Papers 1] (New York, A 1985), 22, figs. 11-12.
Collection: The Glencairn Museum (Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania)
Object/Accession: 03.SG.148