France, Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral, John the Baptist chapel
c. 1260-1265
Pot metal
A: 56.0 x 56.0 (22 x 22); B: 57.0 x 58.0 (22 1/2 x 22 7/8)
Most of the table and the bottom of the panel in A is medieval; lower left quarter of panel B is modern (reused medieval glass); some repainting
Provenance: Michel Acézat, Paris; Arnold Seligman, Rey and Co., Paris A and New York; gift of James Sibley Watson
Bibliography: “Stained Glass at Rochester,” The American M agazine of Art 20 (November 1929), 652-654; “A Gift of Thirteenth Century Stained Glass,” The Bulletin of the Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, New York l, no. 6 (1929), l-4; Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochest er Handbook (Rochester, 1961), 49; Helen Zakin in Lillich et al. (1974), 21-23; Zakin, “Three Stained Glass Panels from Clermont-Ferrand,” Porticus 5 (1982), 23-30; Richard Marks, “Recent Discoveries in Medieval Art,” Scottish Art Review 16 (1984), 14-15.
Collection: Rochester Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester (Rochester, New York)
Object/Accession: A: Feast scene (29.68); B. Two servants (29.69)
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