South Lowlands, Louvain, Carthusian Cloister (?)
c. 1520-1525
Pot metal, white glass with silver stain
Bay n. II, 1a and lb: 57.8 x 44.2 (22 3/4 x 17 3/8) (exclusive of modern border, inscriptions, and filleting); other panels unmeasured
No comments
Provenance: Sir Thomas Neave, Dagenham Park, Essex (?); Grosvenor Thomas, London (?); John D. Rockefeller, Jr., New York; Park Avenue Baptist Church, New York
Bibliography: [Eugene C. Carter], The Flemish Stained Windows, Park Avenue Baptist Church (New York, l925); The Riverside Church in the City of New York, a Handbook of the In stitution and It s Building (New York, 1931), l 10, pl. 10?; The Iconography of the Riverside Church in the City of New York (New York, n.d.), 18; Sturm (1982), 10, fig. 10; McNab (1982), n.p.
Collection: Riverside Church, Narthex (New York, New York)
Object/Accession: No accession number listed
Bay n. I: 4a. The raising of Lazarus; 2,3a. The raising of Jairus’ daughter ra. The healing of a man with a withered hand; 4b. The Three Marys at the tomb; 3b. The dinner at Emmaus; 2b. The incredulity of Thomas; lb. Christ appearing to the Virgin; Bay n. II: 4a. The parable of the wedding garment; 3a. The parable of the tribute money; 2a. Christ approaches Jerusalem 4; ra. Christ persecuted; 4b. Christ teaching in the temple 3b. Christ before Pilate; 2b. Christ before Caiaphas 3; lb. The carrying of the cross
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