Germany, Middle Rhine, Mainz (?)
Pot metal, white glass, and silver stain
35.2 x 24.4 (13 7/8 x 9 1/2)
Background replaced; rays on upper right an early restoration
Provenance: Sibyll Kummer-Rothenhäusler, Zurich
Bibliography: Hans Wentzel, “Schwabischc Glasmälereien aus dem Umkreis des ‘Hausbuchmeisters,”‘ Pantheon 24, no. 6 (November-December 1966), 360-371; Rudiger Becksmann, “Das ‘Hausbuchmeisterproblem’ in der mittelrheinischen Glasmälerei,? Pantheon 26, no. 6 (November-December 1968), 352-367, fig. 8; Susanne Beeh-Lustenberger, Das Bild in Glas: Von der europaischen Kabinettsch eibe zum New Glass [exh. cat., Hessisches Landesmuseuml (Darmstadt, 1979) no. 12; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Notable Acquisitions: 1981-1982 (New York, 1982), 21-22 ill.; Brigitte Lymant, Die Glasmälereien des Schniitgen-Museums: Bestandskatalog (Cologne, 1982), 141; J.P. Filedt Kok, “The Prints of the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet,” Apollo 117, no. 256 (June I983), 436, n. 20; Timothy Husband, “The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet, the Hausbuchmeister, and a Stained Glass Panel at The Cloisters,” in Studies on Medieval Stained Glass, fig. 1.
Collection: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters (New York, New York)
Object/Accession: 1982.47.I (Cloisters Collection)
Attributed to the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet
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