France, Rauen, Chateau de Bouvreuil
White glass with pot metal
A: 59.0 x 52.3 (23 1/4 x 20 5/8); B: 59.0 x 5 2.6 (23 1/4 x 20 3/4); C: 59.2 x 5 5.3 (23 ‘/. x 2! 3/4); D: 59.4 x 52.1 (2J 3/8 x 20_/2); E: 59.0 x 52.1 (23_/.x 20 1/2); F: 5 5.2 x 60.0 (2! 3/4 x 23 5/8); G: 5 5.2 x 59.6 (2! 3/4 x 23_/,); H: 5 5.2 x 60.1 (2I 3/4 x 23 s/s)
Some replacements and additions
Provenance: Albert Georg, Rauen; Michel Acézat, Paris
Bibliography: Jean Lafond, “Le vitrail en Normandi e de 1250 a 1300,? Bulletin monumental III (October-December 1953), 340-341, ill.; Acézatsale, Hotel Drouot, lots l9 and 25; MMAB (1971-1972), 118; Meredith P. Lillich, “Three Essays on French Thirteenth Century Grisaille Glass,? Journal of Glass Studies 15 (1973), 75; Helen J. Zakin, ?Grisailles in the Pitcairn Collection,? Studies on Medieval Stained Glass, fig. 7.
Collection: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters (New York, New York)
Object/Accession: 69.236.2-9 (Cloisters Collection)
(A-F and H not illustrated)
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