France, Paris, Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Lady Chapel
c. 1250
Pot metal glass
A: 63.8 x 40.0 (25 t/s x 1511.); B: 63.8 x 39.8 (25 1/2 x l 5 s/s)
B. Flask held in woman’s left hand is restored
Provenance: Jacques Seligmann, Paris; Sibyll Ku mmer-Rothenhäusler, Zurich
Bibliography: Louis Grodecki, “Les vitraux de Saint-Germa in-des-Pres,” Bulletin de la Societe nationale des Q11tiquaires de France (6 June 1956), 82-83; Grodecki, “Stained Glass Windows of Saint-Germain-des-Pr e,” Connoisseur 140 (Septem ber 1957), 361 no. 14; “Galerie for Glasmälerei: S. Kummer-Rothenhausl er” in Schweizerische Kunst und Antiquitiitenmesse : Basel [exh. cat.I (Basel, 19731, n.p.; noted in The Metropolit an Museum of Art, One Hundred Fourth Annual Report of the Trustees for the Fiscal Year Jul y l, 1973, through Jun e 30, 1974 (New York, 1974)1 48; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Notable Acquisitions: 1965-1975 (New York, 1975)1 621 ill.; Linda Papanicolaou, “Stained Glass Windows of the Choir of the Cathedral of Tours” (Ph.D. diss., New York University, 1979), 161-162; Michael Cothren, “The Thirteenth and Fourteenth-Century Glazing of the Choir of the Cathedral of Beauvais ” (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1980), 139-142, pl. 48.
Collection: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters (New York, New York)
Object/Accession: 1973.262.1 and 2 (Cloisters Collection)
A. A saint appearing to a sleeping monk (1973.262.1); B. A woman dispensing alms (1973.262.2)
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