Italy, Milan Cathedral, apse, New Testament window (Passion), Attributed to Pietro da Velate
Pot metal glass, blue, yellow, and white glass with silver stain
109.0 x 59.0 (42 7/8 x 23 1/4)
The legs of the foreground figures may have been replaced, and there are a number of stopgaps in the lower part of the panel. The lead, though not original, are very narrow and weak.
Provenance: Paris studio of Arthur Rotch (d. 1894); gift of Mrs. Horatio A, Lamb, his sister
Bibliography: Unpublished. For comparative material see: Ugo Moneret de Villard, Le vetra te del Duom o di Milano (Milan, 1918-1920), II: pl. LIV; Catherine Gilli Pirina, “The Sixteenth-century Windows in the Rear Choir of the Douma in Milan and Durer’s Engravings,” Burlington Magazine 114 (1972), figs. 11, 12, 14, 15, 19.
Collection: MIT: Rotch Library (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Object/Accession: window IX
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