France, Tours, Abbey Church of Saint-Julien
Pot metal glass
72.0 x 67.0 (28 3/8 x 26 3/8) (each pair of medallions excluding borders)
The borders and the roundels in the top registers (7 a and b, not illustrated) are modern; 5-6 a and 6 b are postmedieval, possibly copying early subjects; there are many replacements elsewhere, and the central vertical bar has been eliminated in the second and third registers
Provenance: Private collection, Tours; Cathedral Saint-Gatien, Tours; Leopold Lobin, Tours; Acézator Champignol (?); Arnold Seligmann, Rey & Co.; C. S. Wadsworth; gift to Pomfret School in memory of John Grant Fitch, class of 1942
Bibliography: H. Boissonnot, Histoire et description de la cathédrale de Tours (Paris, 1920), 144; Notable Painting s and Works of Art: Property of the C.S. Wadsworth Trust [sale cat., Parke-Bernet Galleries, ll December] (New York, 1948), 44, no. 3, ill.; Linda Morey Papanicolaou, “Thirteenth Century Stained Glass from the Abbey Church of St.-Julien at Tours and its Parisian Sources,” Gesta 17 (1978), 75-76, fig. 6; Papanicolaou, “The Iconography of the Genesis Window of the Cathedral of Tours,” Gesta 20 (1981), 179-189, fig. 4; “Recognize these Panels? ” Stained Glass (Spring 1982), 6 5 1 ill.; “Found!” The Wooden Nutmeg 6, no. 4 (June 17-July l, 1983), 3; Jean Griffith, “Stained Glass,” The Hartford Courant (26 June 1983), B r, B6; “Thirteenth Century Stained Glass Windows Discovered in Pomfret,” Antiques and the Arts Weekly r r, no. 27 (July 8, 1983), 52-53, ill.; Griffith, “Chapel Windows Causing Stir for Stained Glass Experts,” Pomfret School 91 no. 3 (Fall 1983), l, 7.
Collection: Pomfret School Chapel (Pomfret, Connecticut)
Object/Accession: No accession number listed
Bay n. III; 1, 2 a. Adam digging; Eve spinning; 3-4 a. Birth of Cain or Abel; 5, 4 b. Eve’s bath of expiation; 1, 2 b. Adam and Cain sowing and reaping; 3 b. Cain sacrificing
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